【LeetCode】1940. Longest Common Subsequence Between Sorted Arrays 解題報告
1940. Longest Common Subsequence Between Sorted Arrays / Medium
Given an array of integer arrays arrays where each arrays[i] is sorted in strictly increasing order, return an integer array representing the longest common subsequence between all the arrays.
A subsequence is a sequence that can be derived from another sequence by deleting some elements (possibly none) without changing the order of the remaining elements.
Example 1:
Input: arrays = [[1,3,4],[1,4,7,9]]
Output: [1,4]
The longest common subsequence in the two arrays is [1,4].
Example 2:
Input: arrays = [[2,3,6,8],[1,2,3,5,6,7,10],[2,3,4,6,9]]
Output: [2,3,6]
Explanation: The longest common subsequence in all three arrays is [2,3,6].
Example 3:
Input: arrays = [[1,2,3,4,5],[6,7,8]]
Output: []
Explanation: There is no common subsequence between the two arrays.
- 2 <= arrays.length <= 100
- 1 <= arrays[i].length <= 100
- 1 <= arrays[i][j] <= 100
- arrays[i] is sorted in strictly increasing order.
Solution: Two Pointer
如果寫過 LCS 相關的題目,可能會想用 DP 來解。比較簡單一點的做法,可以用 Two pointer 來比較任意兩個 array,得到 LCS。之後繼續比較剩下的 array,直到比較完為止。這麼做的好處是很簡單,而且時間複雜度可以控制在 O(MN)。
- Time Complexity: O(NM), N is the size of “arrays” and M is the longest array length.
- Space Complexity: O(N), N is the size of temp.
LeetCode Result
- Runtime: 27 ms
- Memory Usage: 21.64 MB
- https://leetcode.com/problems/longest-common-subsequence-between-sorted-arrays/submissions/1273933773/
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